About Us

Specializing in knowledge translation and innovative engagement strategies on concussionsConcussion Central exists to help people navigate living through concussion, working to ensure better outcomes for concussion patients as they recover or adapt to life with a concussion.   

Our Story

In 2017, our founder sustained a concussion in an automobile collision. She still suffers from symptoms today.

Over the years, she has learned to live through her concussion and has identified the need for an accessible concussion information hub for those living through concussion, their caregivers, and the medical community. She found that most concussion knowledge is disparately spread across the internet, tucked into corners of academia and medical research. There are many groups working to create an everyday, simple, and clear conversation about living with concussion, existing and new therapies, and recovery strategies, but are often difficult to find.

Our Vision

We believe that those living through concussions should thrive, regardless of overwhelming symptoms, emotions, and information.

We draw on these four values to guide our work.

  • Human-centred
  • Science-based
  • Accessible
  • Empathetic

We will always look for new ways to build partnerships, reach our stakeholders and ensure that concussion information remains accessible and engaging.