“It needs an interdisciplinary team, all working together; a physician, someone working on vision, someone working on vestibular, someone working on the neck, return to work, or school or return to play, and someone on the neuropsychology role. And when you have all of these pieces working together, you don’t see concussion as a black box.”

Dr. Shannon Bauman







Welcome!  If this is your first time here, then that’s great, because this is our first podcast, the first chapter in our audio guide.  Topic timestamps are listed below.

Welcome to Concussion Central of Canada.   This podcast aims to help you, the listener, navigate the often very confusing world of concussions, diagnosis, and treatment in Canada. And we understand that for those living with a concussion, the best way to receive information isn’t reading material, it isn’t on a screen, it’s by listening. So, on this podcast, we’ll be bringing you regular audio interviews with some of the world’s leading experts on the many aspects of concussions. ‘

Maybe you already know this.  Maybe you’re just learning it, but your concussion is unique to you.   You will likely need help, and those helping you, will need help.  You’re going to need help working your way through your symptoms and, importantly, explaining them to your doctors.


Episode 1

We’re thrilled to have Dr. Shannon Bauman as our first guest. She is one of North America’s leading concussion experts and her story is an amazing one. She was already a successful sports medicine practitioner in Barrie, Ontario, just north of Toronto, when she suffered a debilitating sports-related concussion. Her difficult two-year journey of recovery inspired her to find her practice, Concussion North, using a successful, interdisciplinary team approach to concussion treatment. She has worked with professional, Olympic, and amateur athletes and teams, as well as individuals. Her practice is now based in Des Moines, Iowa and she remains actively involved in developing Canadian health policy on concussions.


Introduction to Concussion Central

1:27 – Introduction to Dr. Shannon Bauman

3:00 – Dr. Bauman’s personal experience – her own concussion

5:40 – Experiencing prolonged or persistent symptoms

9:05 – The Turning Point for Dr. Bauman’s concussion

9:30 – Beginning to unravel persistent concussion systems, one symptom at a time

12:18 – Going to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Centre

13:08 – The Need for an INTERDISCIPLINARY Healthcare team

14:40 – “The right care, at the right time, by the right provider”

16:40 – How do patients find the right healthcare professionals?

17:17 – Return to Work: getting back to ‘normal’, after 2-years away

19:30 – Defying the Odds – Recovery and adapting to life with a concussion

20:46 – A Concussion Advocate is born

21:40 – Canada lacks concussion clinics with an interdisciplinary model

22:55 – Provincial policy problems regarding concussion care treatment (Ontario specific)

24:25 – Need for detailed medical assessment, by a primary care physician for long term recovery

End of Episode 1


More information about:

Dr. Shannon Bauman, B.S., B.ScN, MD, CCFP, Dip. Sport Med

Shannon has been caring for athletes of all levels for the last 15 years, from recreational “weekend warriors” to professional and national level competitors.

Shannon graduated from medical school at McMaster University and completed a specialty in Family Medicine from Queen’s University. She returned to McMaster to pursue a fellowship in Sports Medicine.

As a Sports Medicine physician, Shannon has been involved with professional and world level teams including the Hamilton Bulldogs (AHL Caulder Cup Champions), Barrie Colts (OHL), Toronto Rock Lacrosse (NLL), Toronto Nationals (MLL), Hamilton Nationals (MLL), World Cup Sledge Hockey 2009, 2010 Vancouver Olympics Men’s Sledge Hockey, and Team Canada Senior Women’s Lacrosse World Cup, McMaster University Marauders Rugby and Football, and the Newcastle Knights (Rugby League) of Newcastle, Australia. She is a medical expert in Dance Medicine with PivotDancer https://pivotdancer.com which brings experts together from around the world to provide evidence-based content to the dance community. Dr. Bauman is involved with Gymnastics Medicine https://gymnasticsmedicine.org. As a medical educator and advisor, she presents on various gymnastics injuries and issues impacting today’s gymnasts.

Shannon is a Credentialed ImPACT Consultant (CIC). She serves as a medical advisor on concussions to Parachute Canada and the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation. She is a leading researcher on sport related concussions and factors that influence recovery times. Dr. Bauman has co-authored five sets of provincial and national guidelines on concussion including the “Living Guideline for Diagnosing and Managing Pediatric Concussion” and “The Canadian Guideline on Concussion in Sport.” She was nominated for the Minister’s Medal for Excellence in Concussion Care.

Shannon also brings her own personal experience with a hockey-related concussion in 2012 to her practice. Shannon’s recovery experience fuelled her interest in concussion management and led to her involvement in concussion research and the development of a network of international leaders in concussion management. Her passion for concussion care was the impetus for Concussion North and her desire to bring together a talented team of sports injury specialists under one roof.